Friday, April 25, 2008

Visit from the Neighbors

Today, book in hand, I set out to enjoy the sunny weather and read a little.  Using a blanket I made myself a little "picnic" setting on the front lawn and sat down to read.  Ten minutes in, I'm attacked by allergies.  I run inside, sneeze 15 times and make my way back outside.... only, there's something about the front lawn I didn't notice before... something... not right... something... not good

My friendly (by that I mean scary as hell) neighborhood snake
 had come out to enjoy the sunny day as well.  Naturally, I followed my first instinct -- ran inside screaming, slamming the door and jumping up and down while rubbing my arms just to be sure no snakes had miraculously attached themselves to me - that done, I got my camera.
With great courage I stepped back outside (a couple car lengths between myself and the unwelcome neighbor).  I watched that snake for a good 1/2 hour as it ssssslowly turned around and dissappeared into the dirt.

Now I'm sitting inside, wondering if I have the courage to go back outside and get my blanket... awwww hell!  Blanket be damned!  I'm not going back out there!

in case you were curious - I think this is a gopher snake (harmless to humans).  But they look a lot like rattlesnakes - We have those here too!  Eh!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Babies, Babies, Everywhere!

Since coming back home, I have learned many many things... about babies!  Old friends from high school carry these small people on their hips like I carry my cameras.  Family members spend hours talking about the complexities of sleep patterns and growth rates.  At times these conversations even turn bloody and focus in on pregnancy issues.  Ugh!

In the midst of these "talks" I move my eyes from side to side, desperately seeking someone with whom I can share a "What the f***" glance.  I find myself asking questions like: "Is he supposed to be making those noises?" and "Are you serious??!! ... Really??  That can't be right!"   My Red Cross baby sitting class never prepared me for the infamous "baby discussions." But... to be fair to my new cousins (the photos are of my cousin's baby, Aiden) and my new nephew... they can be cute.  (when they're not screaming or throwing up or smelly)  :-)