Sadly, my time in Michigan is at an end. I flew back to central California today (actually, I flew to Chicago, Vegas and Sacramento -- you've gotta love Southwest Airlines!). I think that this shot is in Utah... but... who knows, it could be anywhere. I thought the canyons looked cool. The world always amazes me when I fly.

About ten minutes into the flight this little guy called out to his mother, "Look a butterfly!" I expected to find a flying insect when I looked up, but instead I saw him pointing down to the earth. With his young eyes he saw the shape of a butterfly in the four circles formed by freeway exits. I though it was funny - We usually find hidden shapes up in the clouds but this little boy looked down from the clouds to see shapes.

I'll be working on my new website during the next week. Hopefully, something amazing is heading my way. Until then, I'm going to work my a** off to make that "something" happen. :-) I think I'm going to start a piece on the modern day California Gold Rush - it could make a cool documentary/photo story. Wish me luck!
yay ... you're home safe ... phew. send us a link when the new site is up. i like you're gold rush idea ... i had no idea people still did that - why? they can't be getting rich or everyone would do it ... so why? best wishes amanda!!! Michigan miss you!!!
hey there Amanda - nice to see I'm not the only one amazed by the scenery when you fly and shooting out the teeny windows! We do miss you already, and I loved your winter column that ran yesterday...i agree that the gold rush story sounds cool!Looks like you got outta here in the nick of time, weather-wise - we're supposed to get a bucketload of snow by the morning! I'll be thinking of you as I scrape my way into my car tomorrow!
dude, abc world news tonight had a story about a gold rush in arizona - they totally stole your idea ... i'd sue. ha ha. anyway it made me think of you. 50 degrees yesterday, tomorrow 2-5 iches of snow, wtf? MISS YOU!
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