Monday, August 25, 2008


His name is Ron Ottaway, he's 71 years old, and he's the 70+ Amateaur World Ironman Triathlon Champion. Mr. Ottaway is quick to tell you he hasn't missed a day of running in 19 years. He jokes about how he's gotten slower with age, but then so has his competition. Words like 'dedication,' 'discipline' and 'commitment' creep into his casual conversations. All at once, he inspires and confuses me. Why would anyone, especially a semi-retired 71 year old man, voluntarily put themselves through this degree of physical strain? The three hours I spent with him wasn't really enough to convince me of anything... but I'll let you judge for yourself.

The video feels a little like my old a + b interview assignment but who knows... maybe I can continue this project and go with him when he competes in Hawaii this Oct.... ;-) (I know, it's a VERY LONG long shot)

Ron Ottaway, a 71-year-old triathlete from Jason Kristufek on Vimeo.

Flood Flowers

Sunflowers are sprouting up all over the once flooded neighborhoods in Cedar Rapids. I sloshed around in the mud and garbage while the rain poured down to take these photos. It was the most fun I've had since I've been here! :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

New Car, New Guitar

It's official, I have everything I need. Freedom in the shape of a new (used) car, and peace in the form of a new (used) guitar. Love may not have a price tag, but freedom and peace do. They even come with a payment plan! I've driven through an entire tank of gas and played until my fingers turned black. Ah! What a wonderful day!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


After two days of travel - flying across the country and driving through endless cornfields - I've arrived in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Much of the city has a worn, functional feel to it. There's very little about this place I'd call "decorative."

Two hours ago the sky was a big beautiful blue - in just a few minutes, storm clouds came in and its been pouring ever since. I can't believe how fast the weather changed!!! My new neighbors probably thought I was insane staring up and the sky, shaking my head in disbelief. Can you believe these storms clouds?!! And in August too!!!

So - here's a bit of Iowa. This is a wildflower I discovered during my walk yesterday. I put it in an over-sized vase and completely forgot to water it -- hehe.... :) I kinda like the feel of this photo.

Monday's my first day at the Gazette. Wish me luck!