Friday, April 25, 2008

Visit from the Neighbors

Today, book in hand, I set out to enjoy the sunny weather and read a little.  Using a blanket I made myself a little "picnic" setting on the front lawn and sat down to read.  Ten minutes in, I'm attacked by allergies.  I run inside, sneeze 15 times and make my way back outside.... only, there's something about the front lawn I didn't notice before... something... not right... something... not good

My friendly (by that I mean scary as hell) neighborhood snake
 had come out to enjoy the sunny day as well.  Naturally, I followed my first instinct -- ran inside screaming, slamming the door and jumping up and down while rubbing my arms just to be sure no snakes had miraculously attached themselves to me - that done, I got my camera.
With great courage I stepped back outside (a couple car lengths between myself and the unwelcome neighbor).  I watched that snake for a good 1/2 hour as it ssssslowly turned around and dissappeared into the dirt.

Now I'm sitting inside, wondering if I have the courage to go back outside and get my blanket... awwww hell!  Blanket be damned!  I'm not going back out there!

in case you were curious - I think this is a gopher snake (harmless to humans).  But they look a lot like rattlesnakes - We have those here too!  Eh!


Anonymous said...

amanda youre my hero! youre so brave!! i cant believe you risked your life to take that picture! keep up the good work!

brYan said...

i don't know why, but snakes scare the sh#$ out of me too. like when i move the lawn mower and one darts out from underneath to escape - after i jump 10 feet in the air and realize its just a garden snake i feel pretty silly.