For the last month I've been working scanning and labeling old photographs - it is both an intriguing and frustrating job - I plan to post some of my favorite scans when I finish the job in a few weeks. But today, I took a break from an endless day in front of the photo scanner, and visited with my cousin Kandice and her 3 kids.
By now, the kids are used to having "cousin Amanda" come around and take pictures with her big camera (the one they know they're not ever ever allowed to touch). They're so used to ignoring me, it was a little difficult to get them to hold a pose (but then, when is it ever easy to get kids to hold a pose) I've attached a small "photo reel" of the shoot and my 3 favorite images from the day. The video is really cheesy and the photos aren't that great - but I think it's kinda fun - good for a few smiles.

oh man, how cute is that?! i feel sorry for the photographer, who was it again? haha... i love the last photo on the reel. that expression on autumns face sure sums it up! awesome work cuz :)
The pictures look great! I love the photo reel... I think my favorite has to be when Autumn has her hands over her mouth... Love the photos!
Aah, I'm a sucker for cute kids - great pix - her mom must love 'em, too! Are you in Iowa? Or does that start in the fall? miss ya, by the way!
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