For the last week, I've been driving into work at 7am through a blanket of fog. Over and over I told myself I'd be out with my camera on the weekend to capture the images I saw on my way to my tiny cubicle.
The forecast said fog... but what I got was just a light mist. :( Oy!
I'm coming back here when I have a cloudy sky to do a time lapse. Can you see it? Picture it this way - the sky is a deep blue littered with chubby white clouds, the land is a brighter green and I stop down the aperture so more of the image is in focus. It will be like a tiny strip of land sandwiched between moving clouds! I'm so excited to get started! |
I'm posting this as an example of how important speed is to a photographer. Right before I pressed the shutter release, there was a beautiful hawk sitting here. It would have been awesome... alas, I was not fast enough. |
Tilted horizon + low POV = a fun picture! If I had the fog I was looking for, or a different sky, I think this picture would have been much better. I still like it though. :) |